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Is the Swamp in DC or in Cherry County?

1. Comprehensive plan limit of 2000 animal units per section. Planning and Zoning approves over 7000 animal units and over 19 million gallons of waste per year.

See application page 1, application page 2, and Cherry County Comprehensive Plan.

2. Area is zoned agriculture but this hog confinement would be a commercial operation.

See Zoning Regulations.

1. Economic Impact Study shows little, if any, economic benefit to Cherry County.

See expert economic study.

2. Study done by professional odor engineer shows magnitude of odor impacts on residents.

See odor Study.

3. Studies show property values go down near hog confinements.

See Iowa property value study.
See Kentucky property value study.

4. This proposal does NOT create 80 jobs for Cherry County residents, but jobs for H1 Visa immigrants.

5. Many questions and comments submitted to Planning and Zoning that were never adequately answered.

Letter to Planning and Zoning not addressed.
Resident Letter to Planning Commission.
N Cross Ranch letter.
Two Rivers Ranch letter.
McGrath North Letter with studies.

1. District conservationist with the National Resources Conservation Service has serious concerns of groundwater contamination.

Potential groundwater pollution.

2. Toxic Nitrate levels at wells near hog confinement.

Read full report.

1. Health risk associated with living near a hog confinement.

See health risk study.
More health risk studies.

2. Planning and Zoning did not require a traffic safety study.

3. Most all residents near proposed site opposed approval.

Petition in opposition to CUP.

1. First hand experience.

2. November 12 transcript.

Read transcript.

3. December 1 transcript.

Read transcript.

4. January 5 transcript.

Read transcript.

5. February 11 transcript.

Read transcript.

Letter from Keith Marvin – Cherry County Planning and Zoning Commissions Consulting Engineer

November 24, 2020
Ms. Jessica Coyle and Planning Commissioners
Cherry County
365 Main Street #8
Valentine, NE 69201
RE: Danielski Farms Swine Facility CUP Application
Cherry County, NE
Jessica and Commissioner members;
The following are my thoughts and suggestions for the above referenced
Thoughts and Concerns
1. Traffic and roads
2. Phasing of the project
3. Monitoring wells and testing
4. Long-term waste management
5. Neighbors
6. Infiltration into the soil and water table
7. Item 501.05 #15 (D) of the Cherry County Zoning Regulations state “To
minimize the potential for unreasonable odor impacts on abutting and
neighboring properties and/or to minimize the extent of the number of
properties which may be occasionally impacted through surface
application of manure in any general location, the number of animal units in
any confined animal feeding use shall not exceed 2,000 animal units per
section of land. Authorization to exceed this limit may be approved by the
County Board of Commissioners if the owner of the proposed confined
feeding use can provide assurances, acceptable to the County Board of
Commissioners that such larger numbers of animals will not result in more
properties being subjected to unreasonable levels of odor for unreasonable
duration periods. This CUP exceeds the 2000 Animal Unit maximum of this
A. Planning Commission and County Board of Commissioners must show
the owner of the proposed confined feeding use can provide
assurances, acceptable to the County Board of Commissioners that such
larger numbers of animals will not result in more properties being
subjected to unreasonable levels of odor for unreasonable duration
8. Ensuring the composting will be continue throughout the life of the facility.
9. Based upon the NRCS’s review, 78% of the soils in the area have a high
infiltration rate.
10. Based upon the NRCS’s review, the soils in the proposed area have a high
leaching potential.
11. Based upon the NRCS’s review, 59 of the land application sites are listed as
having a HIGH potential for nitrogen leaching from nitrogen fertilizer or
manure with high ammonia level which is associated with deep pit liquid
12. Based upon the NRCS’s review, the operator area for land application will
only be adequate for 1.5 years.

Read full document.

How did Planning and Zoning see this hog confinement benefitting all residents of Cherry County and not just one family?

How would these commissioners have voted had this been in their backyard?

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